Thursday, June 30, 2011

Summer Bucket List

Last summer seemed to come and go and I felt like I did not get to do half the things that I wanted to with the kids. This summer, I was determined not to let that happen. That is where the bucket list came in.... The kids and I sat and talked about some different things that they wanted to do this summer. We started writing them down and they came up with a ton of ideas. I took their ideas (and a few of my own) and made our Summer Bucket List. We have it displayed on the fridge...because that is where all important information is, right!?! :) The kids get really excited to cross things off. They also plan our time using the list. We have already had so much fun together and we have been able to spend some great quality time together. I am loving this list and hope that you do too.

Monday, June 27, 2011

I Did It!

I have wanted to start blogging for a while now, and I have finally made the leap! I have followed so many talented bloggers, that I was scared to start....but here I go. I am excited to share this experience with you.
Let me introduce myself...My name is Candace and I am a wife, mother, and teacher who is crafty, thrifty, and quite a girly girl. My hubby Blake is wonderful.. He helps and supports all my adventures and ideas. We have 3 kiddos, well actually 2 boys and a princess. T is 10, L is 5, and A (the princess) is 3. We have 3 dogs as well, 2 boxers (Rocky and Dixie) and a lab mix (Dory). I stay very busy, but that is the way that I like it.

I have several things in store for the near future and hope that you enjoy them!